Page name: Bush Haters Association - Banners [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-01-10 14:36:37
Last author: Lord Kügenheim
Owner: Lord Kügenheim
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Bush Haters Association - Banners


Since our old banner got deleted; we are going to use our original banner in the [WIKI ONLY]. Anyone who was here when it was used before will know why...

We finally have a banner that we are allowed to use! If you want to make us a banner then message [Lord Kügenheim]. Anyone who makes a banner MUST remember that it cant contain an actual picture of bush (however manipulated it may be).

I'm a member of the Bush Haters Association

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[shadow xiv]: cool! wish he was in pain but its good ^_^

[BarleySinger]: Actual photos (even manipulated ones) will probably be rejected by Hedda.

[Lord Kügenheim]: ahhh, so. We'll see which ones we can use. ill ask one of the guards to tell us which ones we can use before we set up the poll to vote.

[Goldice]: yeh tht mite b gd

[BarleySinger]: Here is the first entry <img:> I digitally painted this one. It is based on a couple of photos. I think his chin is a little off, as are the colors but it is my best bet.

[fuck the fuckin username rules FUCK IT]: i like all the pics!!! i think they are cool, i think we should be able to use all of them because...we should!!!!

[Rondel]: Page owner, can you put the picture by BarleySinger in so that we can see it, instead of just as a link?

[Rondel]: Nice job on that first one, Orgasmo! What's the medium? Is that a pencil sketch, or a photomanip?

[Orgasmo]: bit of both, my m8 sketched the guy... kinda, and i painted it like a pic of him i saw, it all smudged while i was scanning! At least is used clingfilm! so anyhow i re-touched it on PS

[BarleySinger]: Here is another Bush Banner, a variation on the last one I did. <img:> The banner is bigger, the leaves are bigger, and his left ear crosses over the exclusion symbol. I know...the ear (especiall the lobe) is wrong, the hair loks a bit flat, and the shading on the neck is a bit dicey...but it is the best I can really do.


[Goldice]: its needs to have more of an impact. maybe a bit brighter.otherwise very good

[Lord Kügenheim]: And the actuall name would be good too [BarleySinger] i hate to have a go at your pic because its awsome, but weel you know.

[Seventeenth Blackbird]: I love the nose. ^_^ It's so... true...

[Lord Kügenheim]: not long left now... keep them coming in!

[Untaken]: <img:> there's one that I made... I have a feeling it wont be accepted cuz it has Bush on it though /:(

[Untaken]: <img:>

[Woah!-man]: i like yours [fuck the fuckin username rules FUCK IT], as well as [BarleySinger]s. have to admit though, [fuck the fuckin username rules FUCK IT]'s is a lot brighter ^^

[fuck the fuckin username rules FUCK IT]: thanks. i like his too but he needs to put the name on it and it will be GREAT!!! its a good idea!!

[Macilli]: Hey you guys are all on the right (err, correct, that is) track! Keep it up, and let's put Bush Down & Out!

[Rondel]: Here's the corrected link to [BarleySinger]'s banner: . I noticed that it's not visible on the poll, probably due to some problems we've had with the guards over the banner for the Stop Military Slavery wiki -- they keep deleting his images, claiming that they're stolen. <sigh> Anyway, here's the banner image itself:  <img:>

[Tiezu Star]: the thing is gettin annoying with the deleting of this image

[.imREALdan.]: I think Bush is awesome. They deserve what he's doing...

[fuck the fuckin username rules FUCK IT]: well...everybody is entitled to their opinion, but my opinion is that yours sucks.

[Lord Kügenheim]: alright im getting REALY annoyed about this now... the guards are taking this daft rule to unfair extremes...

[Dil*]: f'ing know i could draw him..but that would involve looking at one of his photo's for a unhealthy amount of time..

[Dil*]: kay got one..i hope this isnt against the uploading art rules..<img:>

[Dil*]: -it's true i used an image from the internet..but i changed it a fair amount..put it through a filter, messed around with eyes..made him reddish, added my own background(yes i made the flames/smoke) and added horns and a tail..

[shadow xiv]: kewl..

[Dil*]: nvm..we're not allowed to use it.

[sid vicious]: i love this pic

[screw u guys im going home]: wow man!!! its awsome! i think we should use it! :D

[Goldice]: we wouldnt b allowed 2

[Lord Kügenheim]: read the uploading art rules to find out why.

[Goldice]: yeh i couldnt memba where the rules wer

[i am gelfling]: Bush wins!!!

[Morrigon]: Yeah, I think most of us sort of know by now

[Black_Dragon_123]: heh, that's awesome, Medearain

[Morrigon]: hahaha thank you

[I am no longer existant]: How do I get one of these wikis on my home? Can I at all? Can someone please help?

[Morrigon]: -right click on photo / -properties / -copy the part that has htt:// .jpg -paste htt:// .jpg -to see the image you must add < img: http: .jpg > (with no spaces)

[Morrigon]: if that makes any sense

[I am no longer existant]: never mind. I made my own

[Morrigon]: cool

[Black_Dragon_123]: can we use Medearain's?

[Morrigon]: most likely not, I just put it up to be enjoyed for a while. it was changed drastically and I did take it from a free place

[Black_Dragon_123]: you should ask [Hedda] if we can use it...

[Morrigon]: me? you want to use it you ask hahah

[Black_Dragon_123]: But I didn't create it...

[Morrigon]: but you want to use it, i just made it here and i figured it wouldnt be allowed in houses i just thought the people at this wiki might appreciate it

[Black_Dragon_123]: I do appreciate it. it's funny!!! ^^

[Morrigon]: cool im glad you do i thought it was funny too

[Black_Dragon_123]: heh heh...

[I am no longer existant]: hi guys. How do I geta wiki badge???

[Goldice]: copy and paste the link

[I am no longer existant]: what do I copy and paste it to? the discription or....

[Morrigon]: Yes your description. when you paste it make sure you type <*img: before and > after wards (with no stars or spaces)

[I am no longer existant]: I figured it out

[miss Lindsey]: how do i get winiks on my home page can some one msg me and tell me please

[Lord Kügenheim]: say you wanted to add our banner. you just copy and paste:<*IMG:*> into your bio and take out the *s

[!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥]: i wanna join...I hate Bush...

[Goldice]: ok no probs i'l ad you

[Lord Kügenheim]: make sure you've added the banner though.

[Goldice]: indeed thanks kugy

[punk rock babe]: cool but need more banners

[// Grace //.And..Bend]: Is there someway that I could volunteer to be a banner checker too?

[Lord Kügenheim]: course. Just ask ^_^

[Whatever_90]: I havn't been in here for a while.. Is it or is it not okey to use the black with white-letters banner?

[Goldice]: uh huh

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